Friday, January 6, 2012

How To Build Six Packs!

  • I'm skinny, but I still can't see my abs, why? How to build abs for the skinny guy?

    Answer - There could be different reasons for this, try the following:

    1. Add more intensity to your ab workouts. Force the abs to contract more by making the ab workout harder. When doing crunches or sit ups or any ab exercise, do the movements slower, or hold onto a 10-25 lb plate across the chest. This helps the abs grow bigger and stronger, and is bound to make them visible over time.

    With ab workouts, it's not about quantity, it's about the quality of the movement. Use strict form, even if it forces you to do less reps.

  • I'm pretty built... big arms, big chest etc... I have decent muscle size but I cannot see my ab muscles at all! What can I do to lose belly fat without losing my muscle size? I want my abs to stand out, without sacrificing muscle mass. How to build abs and maintain muscle.

    Answer - You're going to have to concentrate more on diet, and add more cardio activities. Here's a page on calculating your calories intake per day. Come back once you've read it.

    Now, if you lose any mass at all, it will most likely be fat. So if you start cutting or creating slight calorie restrictions and adding more physical activity, the first thing your body will use is the stored body fat as an energy source.

    Basically, if you're BIG and muscular, and you cannot see your abs, there's a pretty good chance that most of that "mass" is body fat that gives you the appearance of being bigger and more muscular.

    To see your abs, you will have to sacrifice SOME mass. But the truth is, you will actually look bigger once you've lost the body fat, because then you'll see definition up top that you've never seen before.

    1. Lower calories.
    2. Increase cardio.
    3. Don't lower the amount of weight you lift.
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