Friday, January 6, 2012

Get Big Biceps fast

1. Keep your arm routine under forty five minutes. The biceps muscle is actually two main muscles. To get bigger biceps we need to focus on each part of the biceps separately.

2. Strictly limit your bicep workouts. Your biceps are actually more prone to overstraining than perhaps any other muscle group. 

3. Choose three to four exercises that target both the inner and outer head of the muscle. 

4. Muscle Squeezing. Your biceps need to be shown what its like to actually be bigger. You can accomplish this by flexing or squeezing the bicep at the top of every curl for approximately 2 seconds.

5. Eat food. Lots of food! You need to be eating more calories than you burn if you want to gain muscle.

6. When doing dumbbell curls start with a supine grip, in the middle of your curling motion evenly rotate your wrist until you palm is facing up and at the top of your curl give it an extra twist t really squeeze the muscle hard.

7. Go Up In Weight/Reps Now that you’re tracking your lifts, you need to ensure that you’re going up in either weight or reps for your bicep/tricep exercises each weight traning session. 

8. Choose an exercise such as inclined dumbbell curls and really let the arm fully extend and stretch at the bottom.

9. Bicep curls are everyone’s favorite exercise. People love them so much; they even do them in the squat rack to watch themselves grow. So why do all of these same people still small with spaghetti arms. The reason is they forgot the other part of their arms that contributes 60% of the total arms size – the triceps. Train your triceps with the same intensity as you do your biceps to get big arms. Do this and you’ll be ahead of the pack.

10. If possible schedule your workouts after work, and then go eat a healthy dinner. Plenty of rest Many people think that the more you train, the better results you’ll get.

how to heal lower back pain

Step 1: As quickly as possible, press an ice pack against the affected area. Ice packs are standard first-aid for muscle injuries. 

Step 2: 
Take over-the-counter anti-inflammatory pain relievers such as aspirin or ibuprofen  (Motrin, Advil). Or try acetaminophen (Tylenol).
 Step: 3 Consider trying two pain-relieving herbs: white willow bark (Salix alba), a natural form of aspirin, and devil’s claw a South African herb that has potent pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory action.
Step: 4 Take it easy for a few days. Don’t do anything that makes the pain worse. But don’t climb into bed.

Step 5: After a day or two, take hot baths or use a heating pad. Heat is soothing and it opens the blood vessels, which brings more healing oxygen and nutrients to injured tissues.

Step 6:Engage in gentle, low-impact exercise every day. The American Academy of Family Physicians recommends walking. You might also benefit from gentle stretching, swimming or gardening

Step: 7 Try the complementary therapies of your choice.

Step: 8 If you don’t begin to feel better after two weeks, or if your pain gets worse, see a doctor. 

Get six pack abs fast!

*The biggest area you need to focus on when trying to obtain 6 pack abs is going to be on your diet.

*First, ensure you are getting enough protein.

Next, don't be afraid of dietary fat that comes from primarily monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats such as olive oils, fish oils, a mix of nuts, natural peanut butter and avocado

  *Finally, when it comes to carbohydrate intake and getting 6 pack abs, you want to focus most of your carbohydrate intake around the post workout period.  

*If getting 6 pack abs fast is your goal than each meal you take should consist of 1-2 cups of raw vegetables to control insulin levels, improve absorption of your protein and flood your body with vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants.  

*So, if you are aiming to get 6 pack abs in the coming months, have a good hard look at your diet

(Never Give Up)

How To Build Six Packs!

  • I'm skinny, but I still can't see my abs, why? How to build abs for the skinny guy?

    Answer - There could be different reasons for this, try the following:

    1. Add more intensity to your ab workouts. Force the abs to contract more by making the ab workout harder. When doing crunches or sit ups or any ab exercise, do the movements slower, or hold onto a 10-25 lb plate across the chest. This helps the abs grow bigger and stronger, and is bound to make them visible over time.

    With ab workouts, it's not about quantity, it's about the quality of the movement. Use strict form, even if it forces you to do less reps.

  • I'm pretty built... big arms, big chest etc... I have decent muscle size but I cannot see my ab muscles at all! What can I do to lose belly fat without losing my muscle size? I want my abs to stand out, without sacrificing muscle mass. How to build abs and maintain muscle.

    Answer - You're going to have to concentrate more on diet, and add more cardio activities. Here's a page on calculating your calories intake per day. Come back once you've read it.

    Now, if you lose any mass at all, it will most likely be fat. So if you start cutting or creating slight calorie restrictions and adding more physical activity, the first thing your body will use is the stored body fat as an energy source.

    Basically, if you're BIG and muscular, and you cannot see your abs, there's a pretty good chance that most of that "mass" is body fat that gives you the appearance of being bigger and more muscular.

    To see your abs, you will have to sacrifice SOME mass. But the truth is, you will actually look bigger once you've lost the body fat, because then you'll see definition up top that you've never seen before.

    1. Lower calories.
    2. Increase cardio.
    3. Don't lower the amount of weight you lift.
  • How To Get Fit!

    How To Get Fit!

    A healthy diet is a good place to start. Most grocery stores and markets have recently recognized the need for healthy foods and snacks that are packaged for convenience. You can now pick up ready to eat,healthy snacks such as sliced apples and grapes.For those that do not have time to prepare a healthy meal, salads are a breeze with pre-packaged salad mixes and pre-cooked boneless, skinless chicken.

    Even the fast-food industry has gotten on-board, offering
    customers healthier options such as chicken wraps and fresh salads, along with easy to find nutritional information.
    Kid’s meals now often include a choice of fresh fruits or vegetables in place of high sodium french fries, and juices in place of sugary carbonated beverages.

    Most people would benefit from cutting back on junk food and portion sizes. Drinking a recommended eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day will curb your hunger and cause you to feel full throughout the day, instead of getting the urge to snack on chips, cookies or cakes.
    Whenever you feel like you need a snack to get you through to the next meal, grab some fresh vegetables such as carrots, celery or broccoli instead. Keeping these items with you, sealed in plastic sandwich bags, will make healthy snacking an easier choice.
    When serving meals, you should pay attention to portion sizes. People have a tendency to pile too much food on their plates, and then eat until it is all gone. This causes us not only to be over-full, but stretches our stomach each time we do this. The next time we
    eat, it takes more food to make us feel full and thus begins an unhealthy cycle.
    When filling your plate, you should take a piece of meat no bigger than the palm of your hand. Your vegetable portion should be no larger than the size of your fist.
    Exercise is another key when learning how to get fit. There are many good exercise programs available. The important thing to remember when choosing one is that it needs to be something you enjoy doing, so that you will stick with it.

    Having to force yourself to exercise will only result in you finding reasons not to exercise.Find a workout program that you enjoy and that will fit into your busy schedule. Once again, if you have to struggle to fit it into your day, you will find plenty of reasons not to do it.
    If you cannot stick to your exercise program every day, do not be discouraged. There are other activities you can do to make up for a missed aerobics class. For example, a brisk 30-minute walk on your lunch hour can burn up to 150 calories.
    A very important thing to remember that will be key when trying to get fit, is not to give up on your diet and exercise program once you have it in place. It is okay to cheat or miss your fitness class sometimes, as long as you jump right back into it the next day without beat yourself up about it.
    Now that you have some how to get fit tips…Are you ready to begin your journey?
    Article by: Karar